Friday, February 17, 2017

Thoughts on Love, Service and Not Being a Doormat!

In response to a question my daughter posed about how to serve and love someone without that person taking advantage of you:

I was just thinking about the questions that you asked about selfishness, pleasing others and pleasing Heavenly Father. Here are some of my thoughts:

I think that it all comes down to charity. Charity is naturally selfless and charity naturally pleases our Heavenly Father. But what about pleasing others? I think that rather than thinkingloving others. We can’t always please others and please God, who is the only one that we truly need to please. But when we think about truly loving others, rather than pleasing others, it changes everything. We can love others and still not give into them. Loving others does not mean being their doormat. We can love others and not always give them what they want. We can truly love others and still be firm with them. And, as long as our love is sincere and real, our motives will be right. As we act with Christlike love, we can’t be wrong. That’s is because charity never, ever, ever, ever faileth. It is always, always, always the correct course of action. And if our hearts are filled with charity, we will be filled with the Spirit (because they are one and the same), and we will be inspired as to what we should say or do in any situation. Sometimes, the answer is to help a person out of a difficult situation and other times the answer is to allow them to learn to help themselves (with our support and love, of course).
about pleasing others, we need to think about
Either way, if we are acting out of Christlike love, we are pleasing Heavenly Father. In fact, I’m sure that nothing pleases Him more than our acts of charity. It’s this pure love that refines us and perfects us. There is nothing more powerful or more life changing than the pure love of Christ.

Another interesting thing about charity, is that it literally changes the way we see the world. When we look at the world through a heart filled with love, we experience a paradigm shift. The self-centered problems or questions we used to have, don’t exist. Instead of worrying about how to respond to certain people or how to control certain situations, we find ourselves concerned with how to truly help and love a person or group. We feel empathy and understanding instead of judgement and frustration. We see the world with a completely new set of eyes. You can see just how true that is if you take two people--one self-centered, proud person and one selfless, charitable person--and have them both experience the same event. They will come away with two completely different descriptions of the exact same event. And in every case, the selfless, charitable person will have a more accurate and objective observation of the event, because he is filled with the spirit of truth and love.
Here are a few quotes I found. Hope they help!
Elder Neal A. Maxwell of the Council of the Twelve has told us being meek and lowly of heart does not mean being used or abused—or being a “doormat” for others. “Meekness,” he says, “is more than self-restraint; it is the presentation of self in a posture of kindness and gentleness, reflecting certitude, strength, serenity, and a healthy self-esteem and self-control” (“Meekness—A Dimension of True Discipleship,” Ensign, March 1983, p. 71; emphasis added).
Elder Lynn G Robbins: Trying to please others before pleasing God is inverting the first and second great commandments (see Matthew 22:37–39). It is forgetting which way we face. And yet, we have all made that mistake because of the fear of men. In Isaiah the Lord warns us, “Fear ye not the reproach of men” (Isaiah 51:7; see also 2 Nephi 8:7).

One last thought: We should serve as the Savior served. He didn't stress out. He wasn't a doormat. He didn't try to do everything for everyone or to fix every single. He served the individual. He allowed them to be accountable. But above all, He loved them unconditionally!

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Joyful Service in Our Homes

The work and service that we do in our homes can be some of the most stressful and physically and emotionally demanding work that we do. It can be mundane, repetitive, tiring, and thankless. It can be downright exhausting.
I remember a particular exhausting time in my life: We had just moved to Texas from BYU where I had just finished my masters degree (and writing my thesis with 2 nursing babies and a one year old). Too say that I was "spent" from that experience is an understatement--but that's another story... I graduated on a Friday and we drove our U-Haul down to Texas over the weekend so that Karl could start school on Monday. Karl was just starting graduate school (MBA) and because of the demanding program, he was not able to work his first year. We were dirt poor. We had maxed out all our school loans and there was no money left after tuition. All three of my babies were in diapers…cloth diapers (that I washed myself) because we couldn’t afford disposable diapers. The financial stresses were very real. Our Christmas budget for all three kids was $10 and that was a stretch. I remember my 3 year old being invited to a birthday party. I started crying because we couldn't afford to buy a gift (home-made play dough saved me). Because there was no extra money, we were on WIC so that I could buy milk and cereal for my babies. Taking care of 3 babies was hard and I was constantly exhausted. And then, to our surprise, we found out that we were expecting again. Now I was doing all these things, but I was even more exhausted because I was pregnant. When #4 (Dallin) was born, my oldest (Ben) was 3, and the twins (my first set of twins) were one. Let me restate that: We had a 3-year-old, two 1 year olds, and a newborn. It was at this point, that I realized what it meant to be truly exhausted. Karl wasn’t able to take off more
Four kids 3 and under
than a day or two of school. I didn’t have any relatives around to help…so there I was, with a brand new baby, a weak and recovering post-pregnant body, two 1-year olds (who were literally into everything), and a hyper, active and busy 3-year old and I had no choice but to go on. I had to keep cooking, feeding, nursing, washing, cleaning, and caring and it just never ended… I would fall exhausted into my bed each night (after sweeping and mopping the kitchen to ward off the Texas cockroaches), just to wake up countless times with my newborn, and then had to be up at the crack of dawn because of my early rising 3-year-old (who would climb out of his bed and up on mine, and bounce on me until I got up and made him breakfast.  I remember wondering why my stomach and my insides were hurting…and it dawned on me that it was my body just aching from fatigue and exhaustion.

Christmas Picture 1996--Little did we know that this
was only half of our family!
So, like I said, “service in the home” can be physically demanding. It can also be extremely emotionally demanding.  What constitutes service in the home? There are a lot of different ways we serve in the home. There’s the household to take care of: dishes, laundry, picking up toys, dusting, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning bathrooms, mowing the lawn, weeding the garden, repairing the leaky faucet, sorting laundry, grocery shopping, cooking and more dishes, and more laundry and more cooking, and more cleaning…it doesn’t ever end. And then there’s the people: Staying up late with sick kids, changing diapers, helping with homework, driving kids all over the planet to get to their various activities, taking injured kids to the ER, helping a spouse with a project, taking care of an elderly parent, waiting up for a teenager to return home from a date, worrying about and praying for a child or relative who is making poor decisions,  listening to 9-year-old knock-knock jokes for hours, going out of your way to show your love for your spouse, oh, and it doesn’t stop there. There’s also the occasional sick dog, chicken, goat or other furry or feathery or scaly friend that needs attention and care. The list is literally never ending. We will never, ever be caught up. We will never get it done and it will never be as good as we want it to be. No wonder it’s easy to get stressed out and overwhelmed…and no wonder we sometimes have a hard time feeling joy.
Some days it seems so stinking hard to find the joy in the piles of dirty clothes, the cranky kids and the endless lists of things to do? How do we lift ourselves out of the mundane to see the glorious big picture?
And what is this big picture???? The big picture, of course, is that you and I are children of a loving and caring Heavenly Father who have been placed on this earth IN FAMILIES so that we might develop Christlike characteristics through serving and loving those around us. Families are crucial to the Lord’s plan. This service in our homes (for our families) is THE most important, noble, powerful and influential work that we will ever do in this life. And all of the little (seemingly mundane) chores and responsibilities are the building blocks that shape our families. We read in Alma Chapter 37 verse 6-7 that “by small and simple things are great things brought to pass; And the Lord God doth work by means to bring about his great and eternal purposes; and by very small means (doing the dishes, making a dinner, listening to a problem) the Lord doth confound the wise and bringeth about the salvation of many souls.” The work we do in our homes for our families is important! There is nothing more important!
But How do we get from feeling stressed, overwhelmed, exhausted, sad, impatient and maybe even angry to being able to serve our families with charity and joy?
It isn’t always easy. On top of all the little things, there are often big things. There are so many who are battling depression, who are struggling with grief, who have fragile marriages or broken families, whose children are wayward, who have serious health issues and huge financial stresses—these are serious, hard, difficult issues. And many of these issues are not easily “fixable”. Sometimes, we just can’t make the situation go away. And, in the case of serious depression, our perception maybe be altered, making it difficult to feel peace, love, joy or any of the fruits of the Spirit. These situations require huge amounts of faith…faith to continue doing what you know in your head or what you once knew in your head (but can no longer feel in your heart) to be the right thing…trusting that your righteous actions will lead to eventual joy and peace. Mental illness does not make joy impossible, but it can sometimes delay our ability to feel the joy.
In any case, the questions remains: Is joyful service possible even when life is tough? And How do we see the big picture? We CAN find joy…But it takes effort. And it takes humility, gratitude and love.
First, we need a good dose of humility so that we can admit that our own view of life is ALWAYS limited. We need humility to admit that the Lord ALWAYS knows what is best for us. He is the source of truth and light. And in order for us to be filled with that light and truth, we have to humble ourselves and have the faith to admit that we are wrong, that we don’t see things, situations, or other people, as they really are. That includes the misconception of thinking of ourselves, our families and our homes as ‘not-good’ enough.  As we trust in Him and replace our misconceptions with His light and truth, we will see ourselves, our family members and our homes through His eyes. We will see ourselves as beloved sons and daughters of the God. We will understand our worth and the value and worth of our families. The mundane will become honorable and noble. We will be filled with gratitude for the privilege of being a part of a family.
That leads us into the importance of gratitude: There is nothing quite so magical and attitude-changing as gratitude. Have you ever had one of those totally THANKFUL days? Where you wake up and think: I’m so grateful that I have a comfortable, warm bed to sleep in! Then you haul your body out of bed and think: I’m so grateful that I have a body that mostly works—even if something doesn’t work on my body…there are WAY more working parts than there are unworking parts!! Then you get in the shower and praise the invention of hot water heaters and indoor plumbing. How amazing is it that you can turn a dial and be drenched in warm water! What a blessing! And then you come downstairs to your dirty kitchen and think: “I am so grateful that I HAVE a kitchen and that there is food in the kitchen (and on the counters and on the floor).” So, maybe you’re not that grateful for the cheerios on the floor… but really truly THINK ABOUT IT! There are so, so, so many people in this world who don’t have a kitchen to clean, who don’t have food to eat, who would give anything to have our dirty kitchen with its food (even the food that’s on the floor).  If we just open our eyes, we will see that there is so, so, so much good all around us. There are SO, SO many things that could go wrong each day that don’t go wrong. The same goes for the people in our lives. When we are grateful for what they ARE and stop focusing on what they are not, then our love and appreciation for them will grow. But it’s not enough to just count our blessings, it’s also crucial that we acknowledge the GIVER of those blessings, as we do this we are filled with a deep sense of love and awe for our Father in Heaven.
And that brings us to charity (or love). As we exercise humility to see ourselves, others and our situations through the Lord’s eyes, and as we recognize our many, many, many blessings and acknowledge our loving Father in Heaven as the Giver of those blessings, our hearts are filled with charity. We are filled with love for our Heavenly Father and our Savior. In turn, we are able to comprehend their great love for us. This love softens our hearts so that we are, in turn, filled with love for others. This perfect love expresses itself in a feeling of peace and joy. And this joy changes everything. It changes the mundane chore into something glorious. This joy that comes from humility, gratitude and love will change our perception of the people around us. It changes the way we serve. And ultimately it changes and transforms us. This joy isn’t dependent on our situation, on having enough money or things, on our health, our body size, our family size or house size… this joy is simply a result of allowing God’s love into our hearts.

I think about those exhausting years as a young mother of young children (as opposed to my current status as an old mother of young children), It’s funny how I don’t remember feeling miserable at the time (tired, yes). I mostly remember feeling incredibly blessed. No, it wasn’t always fun and I wasn’t always “happy”, but I cherished my role as a wife and mother. I was grateful for the little things. And, yes, I sometimes complained and I was by no means perfect in my joyful service. But, when I look back, those were some of the best years ever. I remember feeling joy. And, even today, with all the additional challenges of life—I still don’t love to cook, do dishes or laundry. I can think of a million other things that I’d rather do—And, no, I am not the not the best homemaker, wife or mom, but I love and I value what I do and I’m trying hard to be better…and I know that as I put the Lord first and humble myself, as I count my blessings and show my love to my family, that I can and will continue to find joy as I serve at home. 

Friday, June 17, 2016

Kitchen Remodel: New Counters and a Little Paint Transformed the Kitchen!

We recently "remodeled" our kitchen. We didn't do a full remodel. The only thing we replaced were our counter tops, but I was so amazed at the transformation that new counters, some tile and a few cans of paint can make. My kitchen wasn't terrible to begin with. In fact, I think it was cute. When we built the house 12 years ago, we could only afford laminate counters, so that's what we used. I had painted the kitchen a few different colors through the years and had most recently painted it dark brown. I didn't hate the brown. I thought it made my white cabinets "pop." But I don't necessarily love brown either. We weren't even thinking about changing anything in the kitchen until I noticed that we had scrubbed clean through our laminate counters. They were starting to look pretty it was time to replace them. Inspired by my sweet friend, Corinne, I realized I should go with a color scheme that made my heart sing.
Here's a little photo journal of our remodel:

Here are the "before" photos. You can see, it's not an ugly kitchen. I had dark brown laminate counters to simulate "real" wood counters. That's what I initially wanted in my country kitchen, but my husband vetoed the idea of wood counters. The cream counter on the island was worn all the way through in spots. It definitely needed replacing.

Here's an older picture of our eating area with the dark brown  paint, our oak
kitchen table (always covered with a cloth) and oak chairs. Also our hutch
is still plain wood.

A recent photo of the kitchen...before the new counters, tile and paint.

The dark brown walls make the cabinets "pop", but I don't like
dark brown walls. Also, we had no real back splash, just drywall.
Here, we've painted the hutch white. In the top picture it is still brown.

If you look closely, you can see that our cabinet legs protrude in
front of the cabinet face. I hated the little 1 inch "shelf". Every-
thing imaginable dripped and stuck to that little ledge. It was
always dirty. Also, when we swept the kitchen, we could never
reach the area behind the cabinet feet. I hated the design of
the cabinet feet.

We get our new quartz counters installed. The design is called "Rococo". I love them. I was looking for a traditional marble look, but didn't want actual marble.

Now it's time to put in a back splash. I've never tiled before in my life, but I borrow a friend's wet saw and have fun tiling my back splash. I even do a fun herringbone design behind my stove top. This was also a hard decision for me. I was so worried that my white subway tiles would clash with my cream cabinets. I didn't want the white backsplash to make the cream look too yellow. I really fretted about it for a long time, but in the end, I'm happy with the result. The cream and white look just fine together.

The next thing we do is add a fresh coat of paint to the white cabinets and we also put in some dark hardware. The new knobs and pulls look sharp! Before, we only had wooden knobs that were painted the same color as the cabinets.

Next, we paint the walls. It feels great to cover the dark brown. This was my HARDEST decision. Every color I picked looked baby blue on my wall. I painted the whole kitchen a color that I thought was grey-green (BM Silver Marlin) and it looked baby blue. With the help of a color specialist at Sherwin Williams, I decided on SW Contented. Looked grey-green on the chip, of course, but ended up looking "minty" on my walls. Nothing like the chip, but I really love it!!

We painted the whole kitchen twice. This is the first color, BM Silver Marlin,
but it was too blue. 

I painted a gazillion samples on the wall, some I mixed myself, others I bought.
It was super hard to decide, since everything looked so much bluer once it was
painted on my wall. Thank goodness for the help of Kat Powell, the Sherwin
Williams color expert! She recommended an entire palette of wonderful colors.

Now that my walls were pretty, my oak table stood out like a sore thumb. I have never liked oak.  We ALWAYS had it covered with a table cloth. So, it was finally time to cover the oak. And I'm SO glad that we did. We used the new water based Alkyd paint from Behr. So far it has been pretty durable. I haven't covered it with any sort of polyurethane yet, but I may do that later.

The oak blends into the floor...bleh!!

My cute daughter lets my littlest guy help her paint.

Love the my white kitchen table!!! We hardly ever put a
cloth on it now!! AMAZING what some paint can do to a room!!

Next order of business: Paint the island. I decide to use an oil paint by Sherwin Williams and love the result. The color is Roycroft Pewter. The oil paint has been very durable. I really like it!

Before we paint the island
Priming with an oil primer

Adding the second coat. The first coat took 12 hours to dry.

Love the result
 We are ALMOST done. But first we have our wonderful cabinet guy, Mike Long, make us some new feet for the cabinets. This time they are recessed, so that no gunk can land on them. AND they are flush up to the kickboard. That means that nothing can get stuck or swept behind them. I LOVE them so much more than the old cabinet feet. As you can see, I've also painted my kick board dark grey, so that it looks like it's not really there. Mike, who actually built our kitchen to begin with, also put our corbels back in (corbels are the decorative pieces of wood that look like they are supporting the upper cabinets). We had taken them out in order to tile the back splash.

And now, we're pretty much finished. I am amazed by the transformation! The kitchen went from dark and dated to light and fresh. It was a lot of hard work, but totally worth it. Plus, I learned how to tile!! And having a new skill is just as awesome as having a pretty kitchen!! My next project is the family room and my next skill will be reupholstering my two large sofas. If they turn out, I just might do a blog post...and if they don't, well, then I won't! :)

Finally Finished!

And one more look at the "Before":

Yay for paint!!!